JAANKARI" is a unique Bihar Government Initiative whereby ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) has been innovatively and effectively employed in making Right to Information Act more broad based and accessible to the common man by bridging the literacy and digital divide. It is a Facilitation Centre with phone in services, which helps people generate RTI applications and get information under the RTI Act.
The system has been designed in an “information at your doorstep” format whereby the hassles of physical movement by the common man have been removed. It works on the premium rate services of the BSNL - premium rate call number 155311 for RTI applications and 155310 as help line number on normal tariff have been allotted by the Department of Communication, Government of India.
JAANKARI was set up in January 2007 and has been running successfully generating applications under RTI for people all over Bihar. It was recently awarded as the Best E-Governance Initiative by the Government of India.